Love; Friendship; Kindness; Honesty; Forgiveness


Welcome to Year 1.
I am looking forward to getting to know you and working together so that we have a very exciting and productive year. I hope that you enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Year 1 has to offer!
Who are the Year 1 teachers?
Mrs Zinna– Class Teacher and Phase Leader
Mrs Bryce – Teaching assistant
Ms Miller - Teahcing Assistant
Our School Day
Children in Year 1 will begin school at 8.40am and finish at 3.10pm.
They will have a weekly RE lessons, a daily phonics lesson, daily maths, twice-weekly PE, and access to
all the other foundation subjects.
PE: Children will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. We will keep you updated about any changes.
How will we support the transition from EYFS?
It is our priority that your children begin their journey into Year 1 feeling safe and happy. I know for both parents and children, it feels like a big transition from EYFS and we work closely alongside the EYFS
team to ensure that the transition is smooth and fills all the children with confidence. The children will still be learning through play in many aspects of the day for the first few weeks or so but the day is more structured than it was in Reception. We continue to learn in a variety of ways; at our tables, while moving, exploring outdoors, in groups, on the carpet and as a class. This will be their first year of the
National Curriculum and while the children have left the EYFS Framework behind in reception, some goals may be carried on with them as they move into Year 1. We ensure that all children are secure in
the Early Learning Goals before moving on to the Year 1 National Curriculum.
Phonics Screening
In June, all children in Year 1 will sit their Phonics screening test. This will involve the children using the sounds they have learnt in phonics lessons to decode and read a range of real words and 'alien' words (made up words). The work we are doing in our Bug club lessons throughout the year will be preparing the children for their Phonics Screening Test. We will provide you with more information regarding this nearer the time.
Homelearning & Reading
At the start of September, your child will be sent home with a reading book and a reading record. It is essential that your child reads their book each night at home, as this will have a huge impact on their
reading progress and chances of passing the phonics screening test at the end of the year. We change children's books daily (if staffing permits and if the dairy has been signed). Each week, your child will bring home a set of words to learn to read and spell. The children will have a spelling test each Friday beginning after Autumn half term.

Transition from Reception to Year 1

Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. Learning through play will continue to be an important part of the school day, and the children will gradually be eased into more formal learning as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners. Please don’t hesitate to come and see me either before or after school if you have any questions or queries.

Mrs Zinna

Class 1 Teacher

Reading in Year 1...

Your child will be given a set of books and a reading diary to bring home this will be returned daily. The children will also have lots of opportunities to read and enjoy books throughout the week at school and at home with enhancement and library books. Your child will have phonic homework which will begin early in the autumn term.


Each Friday children will be picked for a special certificate for excellent work or kindness.

Every day we have a happy box which your child will get to put their name in if they have worked hard or followed rules well.  Every night 1 name will be picked from the happy box and will receive a prize.  Every day someone will bring home the class bear and a diary to write about what you have done together

Please return the bear and the diary daily.



Class 1 Timetable Autumn 1 2024

Class 1 Topic Overview Autumn 1 2024

Class 1 Vocabulary Mat

Year 1 - Trip to Ridgeway Farm - Thursday 17th October

As part of this terms topic on Autumn, Year 1 will be visiting Ridgeway Farm on Thursday 17th October. 

Whilst at the farm the children will be experiencing life on the farm, and taking part in lots of organised activities to do with the Autumn Season.

We will be leaving at 9.30am children will take a picnic lunch provided by school, unless the school office is otherwise advised. The minibuses will return to school at approximately 2.30pm.

Children will need to wear top half school uniform with track suit bottoms, wellington boots a waterproof coat. Please give children any travel sickness medication before leaving, and send a return dosage in a named envelope for the return journey to be given to the teacher

We are asking for a donation of £6.00 towards the cost of the farm entry fee.  Please complete the slip below and return to school by Friday 11th October. 

Class 1 Ridgeway Farm Visit-October 2024

We have had a fabulous day today at Ridgeway Farm - the sun has been shining - it has been full of mud - we have harvested corn, wheat and pumpkins.

We also feed the goats, the sheep and the alpacas.

We threw apples and pumpkins into the pig sty to the pigs and we went for a long walk this afternoon around the farm.

We saw the maize field, the pumpkins growing in the pumpkin patch, the field of sunflowers and wheat field.
We managed a picnic outdoors for lunch and even drove the tractors and used the wheelbarrows.
The children were very well behaved throughout and Farmer Helen said they were the best visitors to the farm this year!

Class 1 Ridgeway Farm October 2024




















Class 1 Synagogue Visit-October 2024

Today we visited the synagogue, we learnt about aspects of the Jewish faith that were different to our own. We looked for symbols in the Synagogue and were able to see up close the Torah and the Ark. We talked about the Jewish Harvest festival called 'Sukkot' and compared it to our own celebrations.

Class 1 Synagogue Visit October 2024









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