Welcome to Year 3! 


In the classroom this year there will be Miss Critch (Class Teacher), Mrs Emery and Miss Constanti (Teaching Assistants). We are so excited to be in Year 3. There is lots of learning to be done and fun to be had!


On Thursdays, Year 3 will be learning how to play recorders with a specialist music teacher. Year 3 will also be learning how to speak Spanish now that they are in KS2.


Our PE days are Thursday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). You need to keep your indoor kit in school and bring in your outdoor kit on a Friday. If your child wears earrings, please make sure they are taken out or provided with plasters on PE days. 


Those children doing after school activities should bring in a PE kit to get changed into on that day. 


We kindly ask adults to continue reading with their children at home for a minimum of 3 times a week and sign your child's reading record.

Websites to practise times tables and spellings at home:





Miss Critch

Class 3 Teacher

Year 3 - Showtime Museum  - Tuesday 9th July

As part of this terms history topic about Blackpool, year 3 will be visiting Showtime Museum on Tuesday the 9th of July.  We will be walking to and from the venue.  We have an educational session booked and, children will be back at school before lunch time.   

Year 3 - Music Recital - Thursday 11th July

Children in class 3 will be holding a recorder recital for parents on Thursday 11th July at 2pm. 

The recital will take place in the hall and all parents and families are welcome to attend. 

KS2 Sports Day - Thursday 18th July

We will be holding our annual Sports Day for KS2 (years 3,4,5,6) on Thursday 18th July.

This will be held (weather permitting) at the Sports Arena in Stanley Park, starting at approximately 9:30am and finishing at 11:30am.

Parents are welcome to come and support their children.

Please could you ensure that your child has a P.E. Kit in school to enable them to take part. A sun hat/cream would be advisable if the weather is very warm.

White Scar Caves


Class 3 went on an amazing adventure to White Scar Caves. We were very lucky to see the fantastic Christmas lights as we were going in! The children loved seeing lots of different natural features such as The Witches Fingers, The Judges Head and The Carrots. See if your child can remember anymore!



Life Bus


Harold came in to visit Class 3. We looked at how to keep our brains healthy and how important it is to get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy diet. 



Class 3 - Stanley Park Visit


Class 3 enjoyed their trip to Stanley Park. We looked at the seasonal changes and even saw some magical fairy houses!


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