We admit children into our Reception classes when their 5th birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August of a particular academic year. The maximum number of children normally admitted to each year group is thirty. Parents and carers of new Reception children are welcome to visit school prior to applying for a place, to look around and hear about our school.  Please contact the school office on 01253 807495 to make an appointment.

The closing date for applications for our Reception class for September 2025 closes on 15th January 2025.  Any parents/carers who have not yet applied for a school place should do so as a matter of urgency to the Local Authority in which they live.  For further details please click here if you live in Blackpool, or here if you live in Lancashire.

If you have just moved into the area, or your child is already attending a primary school in Blackpool and you are thinking of moving them to a different school, please click here for more information on how this works.

Full details of our Admission Policy and information about our school admissions and appeals can be found below. Please follow the link below for further information relating to school admission appeals.



Please see note that the proposed admission arrangements for September 2026, is now open for comments. The consultation period will last for 6 weeks and any views or comments should be forwarded to Mrs Nadine Galloway, Headteacher, or Mrs Hayley Aris, Chair of Governors, by Tuesday 14th January 2025.

There will be no amendment to our PAN (Pupil Admission Number) which will remain at 30 pupils per class and the proposed admission arrangements will be for admission in September 2026. However, please note that the proposed admission arrangements now include amended faith criteria.  As the Inter Faith network organisation has ceased to exist and there is no direct 'replacement' organisation, we have taken the decision to remove the reference to the IFN completely. 

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact either Mrs Galloway or Mrs Aris.



Admissions Documents

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