Love; Friendship; Kindness; Honesty; Forgiveness
Welcome to Class 5
There will be two teachers working with Class 5 this year - Mr Giles and Mr Corser. Mrs Walsh will be your teaching assistant.
We are all excited to be inviting you back to school and we are looking forward to making a fantastic start to the year and getting to know you all.
In Class 5 the expectation is that you will bring your reading book to and from school every day. Please read either independently or to an adult at
home at least 3 times a week and ask them to sign your reading record.
You will continue to go swimming at Palatine Leisure Centre weekly on a Tuesday afternoon. You will also have a PE lesson in school on a Friday
afternoon and the children will need both their indoor and outdoor kits in school on that day as the weather can be unpredictable.
We cannot wait to work with you all and we are sure there will be lots of amazing learning opportunities taking place throughout the year. We know that moving into upper key stage 2 comes with its challenges so please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. Check the website regularly to see photographs of all the awesome learning taking place in year 5.
Mr Giles and Mr Corser (Class 5 teachers)