Welcome to Class 5

I really hope your child is looking forward to coming back to school this Autumn term. Now that your child is in upper Key Stage 2, I hope they are ready to roll up their sleeves, get involved and work hard to ensure that they are ready to reach their full potential. There will also be lots of opportunities for interesting and exciting activities both inside and outside of school. Our aim will always be to make learning as interesting and experienced based as possible.

In the classroom this year there will be Miss Whitehead (class teacher) and Mrs Walsh (teaching assistant). Miss Johnston will be teaching Maths and English groups in the mornings and Mr Corser will also be supporting Class 5 during maths sessions and taking the class swimming on a Tuesday afternoon. 

As well as this please could you ensure your child either reads independently or you listen to your child read as often as possible, at least three times a week. Reading records will be collected and checked daily.

I am so excited to spend the year with Class 5 and hope it is an enjoyable and engaging experience for everyone. Please feel free to ask me any questions at the door at the end of the school day if there are any problems, I am always happy to help!

Miss Whitehead 
Class 5 Teacher


Year 5 – Forest of Bowland - Friday 5th July

Year 5 will be visiting the Forest of Bowland on the Abbeystead estate on Friday 5th July. The overriding aim of the visit is to educate primary children, about the countryside on their doorsteps, and hope that they gain an increased understanding of wildlife and human life on the moors.
Children must be in school on time as the mini-buses will be leaving promptly at 9.15am we will return to school at 3.00pm, dependant on traffic.

Children should wear St John’s T-Shirt & Jumper (if needed) with suitable outdoor trousers/shorts, eg. Tracksuit bottoms or Combat trousers NO jeans, walking boots or sturdy shoes or trainers. A Waterproof Jacket is advised, as is a sunhat please apply sun screen prior to the trip, depending on the weather. Travel sickness tablets should be given prior to coming to school and a return journey tablet given to the school office.

KS2 Sports Day - Thursday 18th July

We will be holding our annual Sports Day for KS2 (years 3,4,5,6) on Thursday 18th July.

This will be held (weather permitting) at the Sports Arena in Stanley Park, starting at approximately 9:30am and finishing at 11:30am.

Parents are welcome to come and support their children.

Please could you ensure that your child has a P.E. Kit in school to enable them to take part. A sun hat/cream would be advisable if the weather is very warm.



Class 5 loved living as an Anglo-Saxon for the day as part of their history topic this half-term...

The class enjoyed visiting the Anglo-Saxon village at Martin Mere and enjoyed taking part in different activities Anglo-Saxons would do including:




*Defence Training 




Class 5 have worked as scientists investigating and testing different materials for their magnetism, transparency, electrical and thermal conductivity.






Class 5 are enjoying their new history topic about the Anglo-Saxons and reading our new text in English 'Beowulf' by Michael Morpurgo.


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