Welcome to Year 4!

We have had a wonderful start to the year; it has been great getting to know you all. Here’s to a year of amazing learning.
In the classroom this year your teacher will be Mrs Firminger. Mz Biczak and Mr Whiteside will be your teaching assistants.

You will bring your reading book home every day. Please read to an adult at home at least 3 times a week and ask them to sign your reading record. You will start visiting the key stage 2 library on Fridays where you can choose a library book to take home for a week. Library books must be in school every Friday.

In the summer you will take the year 4 multiplication table check. We will be busy learning all the times tables throughout the year. Remember to keep
practicing at home too. Your home learning tasks will be linked to times tables this term, please return your home learning folder to school every Friday.

Mr Whiteside will teach you PE on Wednesday (outdoor) and Mrs Firminger will teach you PE on Thursday (indoor). Remember to remove your earrings for these days. You have Fit2Go to look forward to in the spring term and swimming lessons in the summer term.

Keep checking the website to see photographs of all the exciting learning taking place in year 4.

Mrs Firminger
Class 4 teacher

KS2 Sports Day - Thursday 18th July

We will be holding our annual Sports Day for KS2 (years 3,4,5,6) on Thursday 18th July.

This will be held (weather permitting) at the Sports Arena in Stanley Park, starting at approximately 9:30am and finishing at 11:30am.

Parents are welcome to come and support their children.

Please could you ensure that your child has a P.E. Kit in school to enable them to take part. A sun hat/cream would be advisable if the weather is very warm.

Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve - 26/06/24

Year 4 had a fantastic visit to Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve to support their science topic on 'Living things and their habitats'. They had fun looking for and identifying invertebrates in the pond and walking round the reserve map reading and looking for different habitats.

Harry Potter Potions Workshop - 22/05/24

We had a fun end to our  witches and potions topic with a Harry Potter potions workshop. Thank you to all the families who came into school to work with your children.

Fit2Go Festival at Bloomfield Road - 09/05/24

Year 4 had a fun afternoon at the Fit2Go Festival. They played handball and football, had a dance with Bloomfield Bear and completed a circuit of athletic activities.

Southport Eco Centre Visit - 14/03/24

We went to Southport Eco Centre  as part of our geography work on 'What impact does plastic have on our oceans?'
We took part in four activities about the cost of our waste.

Ribchester Roman Museum Visit - 18/01/24

We visited Ribchester Roman Museum. We looked at Roman artefacts and tried on Roman armour. We learnt about the Roman fort that was at Ribchester and had a look at the ruins of the granaries. We finished our visit by taking part in the museum trail.

Ceramic artist Andrew Hill visit

The children worked with ceramic artist Andrew Hill to create Greek pots.


Ian Bland Poetry Visit 

Ian led a poetry workshop in Class 4, during which the children were invited to write and perform their own poem. 



Class 4 enjoyed their first visit to UCLAN university in Preston.

All of the children worked as scientists for the day in the science lab investigating electrical circuits as part of their 'electricity' science topic this half-term...





Class 4 enjoyed their first half-termly science visit to the Rock Gardens in Blackpool. We were investigating 'Which trees grow in the rock gardens?'






A huge thank you to our favourite author Dan Worsley who visited us in the classroom last week for a special writing workshop.

All of the children and staff enjoyed the workshop immensely!!





During the first week Class 4 enjoyed finding out about the Blackpool illuminations and starting to find out what makes Blackpool attractive to tourists in Geography and making a working electrical circuit in science...


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