Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in 2011 and is allocated to schools based upon the number of pupils who are or have been registered for free school meals at any point over the previous six years (known as Ever6) and for Looked After Children (LAC).

For 2023/2024 the amount of Pupil Premium funding allocated was a total of £165,774 and we were also allocated £14,862 of Recovery Premium Funding. 

Our Pupil Premium statement for 2024-2027 is published below.  

The Pupil Premium Grant is to be used to raise the attainment of ‘Ever6’ and LAC pupils and close the gap between free school meal (FSM) and non-FSM pupils. At St John's we are committed to making every penny of the Pupil Premium count.

The main barriers to educational achievement faced by pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Grant are complex and varied – many of our PP children face a variety of difficulties some of which are listed below:

  • Speech and language / communication issues
  • Experiential deprivation
  • Limited access to educational enhancement experiences such as visits out, participation in physical activities, residential opportunities
  • Attendance
  • Behaviour i.e. pupils with specific social and emotional needs which impact on learning
  • SEND cognition and learning difficulties
  • Low entry level of attainment

As the needs of our Pupil Premium children are so vast and unique, we conduct termly Pupil Progress meetings with each class teacher to discuss on a case-by-case basis.

The impact of Pupil Premium funding is measured termly via discussions with the Senior Leadership team, Inclusion staff and presentations to Governors.

A detailed summary of the impact of Pupil Premium is included in our Pupil Premium statement and is listed for each individual project or intervention.

Pupil Premium Statement 2024-2027 (3 Year Whole School Plan)

Pupil Premium Statement December 2024

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