What uniform does my child need?


At St John's, we feel that school uniform is important in ensuring that the children feel part of the school community.

The school uniform consists of a red T-Shirt, a blue jumper, grey trousers/skirt, grey socks/tights and black shoes.

Please ensure all items are clearly named so that we can easily return any lost items to the correct child.

Please click on the link below for a full uniform list and list of P.E kits - November 2023

Unfortunately we no longer stock or sell uniform from school however, we usually hold sales of pre-used uniforms throughout the year in order to raise funds for school trips.

There are a couple of options to help you purchase what you need for your child.

St John's school uniform is available online from The Uniform & Leisurewear Company.  Parents can order items online and have them delivered to school for collection. 

Please click here to order online from Uniform & Leisurewear Company

St John's school uniform is also available to buy in store at 1st Class Kids, 106 Highfield Road, Blackpool FY4 2JF. Telephone: 01253 403798. 

Please click here to view the items sold at 1st Class Kids


Parents may also purchase unbranded items of uniform from various stores and supermarket chains.

What P.E kit does my child need?


Indoor Kit
Plain white T-shirt; black shorts; pumps
This kit should be kept in school in a bag and will be returned home at the end of each half term for washing.
Outdoor Kit
Plain white t-shirt,  black joggers/leggings. The children can wear their school jumper when the weather is cold. 
Children need to bring their joggers and trainers in a bag in the morning when it is their outdoor P.E lesson. 

It is asked that children have their indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times.

Please ensure all items are clearly named so that we can easily return any lost items to the correct child.

If your child has pierced ears, and they are unable to take the earrings out by themselves, please provide plasters so they can cover the earrings during PE sessions.  

Please click on the link below for a full uniform list and list of P.E kits - November 2023

To be updated but the information below gives you an idea of P.E lessons in school.

P.E Days for Summer Term 2 (10th June to 19th July 2024)


P.E Days for Summer Term 2 (10th June to 19th July 2024)


Classes with PE


Class 4 (Indoor lesson) Class 1 (Indoor lesson) 


Class 4 (Swimming Kits)  Class 3 (Outdoor^) Class 2  (Outdoor Lesson*)  Class 5 (Outdoor Lesson^)


Class 5 (Indoor Lesson) Reception (Indoor Lesson) Class 6 (Outdoor Lesson*)


Class 1  (Outdoor Lesson*) Class 5 (Indoor Lesson) Reception (Outdoor Lesson*)


Class 2 (Indoor Lesson) Class 3 (Outdoor Lesson*)  Class 6 (Indoor Lesson)

*Weather permitting - indoors if required.

^ Reading Rugby


PE is a compulsory part of the curriculum and children can only be excused on medical grounds which must be explained by a note to the class teacher.

If anyone has asthma they must have an inhaler with them or they will not be allowed to take part in Games or PE. Any child requiring an inhaler should have one in school at all times.



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