A Warm Welcome To St John's Reception Class:

A warm welcome to all our new reception children and parents/carers. We are looking forward to getting to know your children and working with you over the coming year. 

We know that moving from Nursery to school can be a big step in your child's learning journey, but please let us know if there is anything we can help you with. We are available at the start or end of each day. 

In the classroom this year we have Mrs Shearman (Class Teacher), Mrs Johnson (EYP), Mrs Dixon and Miss Edwards (Teaching Assistants).

There are lots of new friends to meet and new and exciting learning opportunities. We can't wait to get started!

Welcome class of 2023-24 we have been expecting you!

St John's Reception Team


  • Reading - please return your book bag, reading record and reading book to school every day. Listen to your child read for 10 minutes every night and let us know you need a new book. Books are changed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • PE - Indoor PE is on Wednesday. Outdoor PE is on Friday (come in your kit)
  • Library day is Friday.
  • Please name all clothing and your water bottles.
  • Don't forget your wellies for the outdoors!

Remember to keep checking Tapestry for updates and information.

Knowledge Organiser 


Reception  and KS1 Sports Day - Friday 12th July

We will be holding our annual Sports Day for KS1 (Reception,Y1,Y2) on Friday 12th  July.

This will be held (weather permitting) at school on the middle playground:

Reception class will hold their sports event in the morning: 10am until 11am.

Parents are welcome to come and support their children, however, due to space restrictions, we are limiting this to two tickets per child.

If you would like to attend, please collect your two tickets from the office. 

Please could you ensure that your child has a P.E. Kit in school to enable them to take part. A sun hat/cream would be advisable if the weather is very warm.

Snail Habitat - April 2024

Mrs Johnson was clearing the garden and found some snails. We found a tank to place them in whilst we found out more about them. The children enjoyed listening to a non-fiction text, but it did not tell us how to care for the snails. We then tried Google and found a video to help us get started. Next the children made a list of all the things they needed to find and set to work in the garden. The finished snail habitat was just perfect and now we have to look after it! 

Blackpool Central Library - April 2024

The Reception children enjoyed a trip to Blackpool Central Library for story time. We walked to the library and on the way spotted two Elmer’s! At the library we enjoyed listening to a story and finding out how we use our library card. 

Up on the Roof - March 2024

We went to the very top of the school to get an aerial view of our school. The children hadn't seen this part of the school before and were amazed at all the buildings and special places they could see and name from our bus trip! 

Naughty Bus Adventure! March 2024

After sharing the story about a very naughty bus the children were taken out on St Johns minibus. We were worried it would also be naughty, but the bus was very well-behaved and showed us lots of places which are special to our town. 

Balance Bikes - March 2024

Daniel came every Wednesday with his balance bikes. He named  the different parts of the bike and showed the children how they were to be used. The bikes helped to develop our balance and core strength. Everyone loved the sessions and listened to the instructions carefully.

World Book Day - A visit to Waterstones

The children enjoyed walking through town to visit Waterstones and choosing a book with their book token. We used this opportunity to look at our local area and the different buildings and types of shops we have in Blackpool. 
Once at the bookshop the children had to look for stories they had read before...there were lots! They finished off by paying for their chosen book with their token before returning to school. 

Christmas Party

The children enjoyed their Christmas Party! There was lots of dancing and party games.

Shopping Trip to Sainsbury's

Reception have been reading  'The Gingerbread Man' and decided to make some gingerbread men to share with their friends. Five children went with their shopping list, bags and purse to Sainsbury's to purchase the ingredients.

We needed to find out what we needed to buy and where to look for the information. This gave the children an opportunity to be introduced to lots of new vocabulary and language. 

Hedgehog Rescue


As part of our learning about nocturnal animals we had a visit from The Blackpool Hedgehog Sanctuary. The  hedgehogs  have been rescued and cared for because they are sick or injured. 

The lady from the centre told us all about the hedgehogs and then we met Sid! He was all curled up at first, but  we soon found out how fast he could run!

Lancashire Hawks and Owls

Reception have been learning about nocturnal animals and had a visit from Lancashire Hawks and Owls to find out more. We listened carefully and found out lots of facts and new information. 

Children In Need 

For Children In Need the children made spotty Pudsey toast! 

First trip to Stanley Park!

Here are our pictures from our first trip on the minibus to Stanley Park to experience autumn first hand and collect autumn treasures to bring back to school!

The story of 'The Leaf Thief' and a Police visit 

We shared the story - The Leaf Thief and the children decided we needed to ring the police to see if they could help us with the crime! The police came to visit and explained how to look for clues to find out who the thief was! 
Once they left we were busy making our own police hats and searching for clues. We later found out the thief was... autumn!!

Making bread 

Following on from our trip to Sainsbury's the children baked bread for everyone. This provided so many learning opportunities including listening carefully, new vocabulary, following instructions, observing the changes, time, measure and sharing with others at Harvest time!

Visit to Sainsbury’s

After reading The Little Red Hen we decided to make some bread just like the little red hen and went to Sainsbury's to buy the ingredients. The children then made bread and shared it with all their friends in class, just like we share with others at harvest time. 




We supported mental health day in Reception, Mrs Sherman read a lovely story (I have feelings!)all about a mouse and how he feels different emotions throughout his day.

We talked about things that can happen to us and how they can create different emotions and affect how we are feeling.

We practised calm breathing exercises that help us when we maybe be feeling upset, angry or sad.

We explored our sensory toys that help us stay calm and feel happy.



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