PE & Sport Premium Funding  

At St John’s CE Primary we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well being of children. Through PE and sport, children develop many of our core values such as cooperation, respect, determination and kindness.

Our overall aim is to raise standards and participation in P.E. and school sport increasing the opportunities offered to our children. We aim to provide higher quality lessons and improved learning for all.

For 2024/2025 St John’s CE Primary was allocated £17,700 P.E & Sport Premium.

Please click on the link to find out about the impact of the primary P.E and Sport Premium allocated:

P.E Premium Statement 2024/2025

Key Stage Two Girls Football Week (March 2025)

To celebrate girls football week the school took part in two football festivals at Stanley Park organised by Active Blackpool. A team from Class 3 and 4 played against five other Blackpool schools and had an amazing time. Then it was the turn for two teams from Classes 5 and 6, the teams were also playing against other Blackpool schools, but interestingly the first fixture saw the two teams playing against each other - St. John's v St. John's. 

The festivals were a great chance for all the players to show off the skills they have been learning over the last few months at our after school football clubs. 

KS2 Girls Football March 2025




Class 5 Drumba Session (Blackpool Sports Centre)

A group of children from Class 5 took part in a first for St. John's, the children got involved in a Drumba Festival - this is a mix of drumming and dancing. Ten of our children joined two other schools at Blackpool Sports Centre for the one hour session. The session was high tempo as the children drummed and moved and really enjoyed this unique workout. All the children were awarded certificates for taking part in the session and were a credit to the school.

Strictly Come Dancing@Blackpool Tower Ballroom-Class 5

A group of children from Class 5 visited the world famous Tower Ballroom to take part in a Strictly Come Dancing Festival.

The children joined a number of other Blackpool schools to be taught dance routines by students from Blackpool 6th Form.

Once the children had perfected their dances they got to perform for one another. 




We are very proud as a school to have been nominated for 'Primary School Of The Year' 2023. 


"St John's are going above and beyond in the delivery of their PE offer to meet the needs of the whole school. They have had a 'Gold Schools Games Mark' for the first time. The teaches are understanding and role models to all pupils. They accommodate for a very mixed diversity in children's development and barriers around multi different nationalities. Children within the school now love when its PE day throughout the week ranging from Reception through to Year 6. St John's took part in 18 events last year such as Strictly School Games, Blackpool Youth Games Week and Orienteering at Blackpool Zoo. They have a pro-active ECO Council who have lead on programs such as Sustainable Young Sports Leaders and tree planting in the local area. They have also conducted a school route audit with Living Streets to assess barriers to walking in areas surrounding the school and suggest improvements to encourage further engagement in the WOW walk to school challenge"

Active Lives Community Awards September 2023





Rossall School ran a girls football day called 'The Big Kick' and we were delighted to receive an invitation.

Twelve of our footballers headed off for a day of football that was led by Rossall coaches and students which included current Women's Super League players. 

Our players were put through their paces learning new skills and playing mini-games.

They were then treated to lunch before finishing off the day with some more games of football and a presentation. 

All of the St John's players had a fantastic time and a big thank you goes to the staff and students at Rossall for making this such a memorable event. 

The Big Kick-Rossall School







CLASS 3 & 4 Jimmy Armfield Under 9s Football Festival@Stanley Park 

St John's children from Class 3 and 4 went to Stanley Park to represent the school in the Jimmy Armfield Under 9s Football Festival, organised by Blackpool FC Community Trust.

The St John's Class 3 & 4 team played against four other Blackpool primary schools and had a great time!

Class 3 & 4 Under 9s Football Festival



Class 5&6 Boys Football Team

St John's Class 5&6 Boys Football Team


The Class 5 & 6 St John's boys football team played their semi-final last week and won their way into the final of the primary one form entry plate competition.

The primary finals took place at Stanley Park on Monday 26th June.

Our boys team played in the first match of the day and after a very competitive game they came out winners!!!

A huge well done to all of the boys in the team, we are very proud of you!!

 Also, a special thank you to Mr Whiteside and Mrs Randle for all of your coaching expertise and support...

Class 5&6 Boys Football Team




Class 4 enjoyed a morning at Blackpool Football Club for their final 'Fit2go' session...

Class 4 Fit2Go Session@Blackpool Football Club









Class 3 Bollywood Dancing

Bollywood Dance Festival

A group of children from Class 3 were invited to Blackpool 6th Form College to take part in a Bollywood Dance Festival. The children worked with dance students from the 6th Form who taught them a dance routine. Once the routine had been perfected all the schools taking part in the festival then performed to one another. 

Class 3 Bollywood Dancing Event February 2023





Team Building Class 5

15 children from Class 5 were invited on a Team Building morning at Stanley Park. The children started off on the Low Ropes where they were set different challenges around the course, they had to support and encourage each other, as well as being very brave on some of the challenges. 

Next the group went underground into a series of tunnels. The children were set different challenges that they had to complete whilst crawling around the tunnels in the dark. The staff that accompanied the group commented on how well the children had worked together and how much everyone had enjoyed the morning. 

Class 5 Team Building Event






**'Fit2Glow Tournament **

Well done to our Class 2 football team competing against other schools in the third 'fit2glow' heat at Stanley Park Sports Centre last week.

A huge thank you to Blackpool FC Community Trust for organising the event!

Specialist Caches

To enhance our PE and Sport provision we use our PE Premium to bring in specialist coaches from a broad range of fields to offer our children unique opportunities and to ensure we maintain high levels of participation. The coaches we work with are:

Blackpool Council Sports Team, Premier Sport, Blackpool FC Community, FA Coaches, Blackpool Tower School of Dance Team.


One aim we had at the start of the year was to make lunchtimes more active. With this in mind the school employed three Play Leaders, we used our PE Premium to bring in specialist coaches to deliver a range of activities and the Blackpool Council Sports Team came in and trained PALs from Class 5 to deliver activities for our KS1 children at lunchtimes. All of these measures have had a very positive impact and now the whole school is engaged in fun activities at lunchtime.


The school continues to provide children with opportunities to compete against one another and other schools. We have had teams competing against other schools in: athletics, swimming, girls and boys football, road races, dodgeball, orienteering and multi-skills sports.

We have also represented Blackpool in the Lancashire Youth Games, a level 3 competition, in dodgeball and angling (a first for the competition and the school).

Festivals and Challenges

We are always keen to participate in events and festivals that show the children the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the link between being active and eating healthily. This year the school has participated in a whole range of fun events:

Fit 2 Go led by Blackpool FC Community, Change 4 Life and Sport 4 Champions all promote physical activity and the need to have a balanced diet; we also tried the Gulp Challenge which aims to get the children thinking about what they drink and challenges them to give up fizzy drinks for three weeks.

Other events we entered included: Schools’ Alive dance festival at the Grand Theatre, Strictly Come Dancing at Blackpool Tower and glow in the dark football.

We also competed in the Blackpool and Lancashire Youth Games, as well as holding our KS1 and KS2 Sports Day.

Extra Curriculur

We always aim to provide additional opportunities for our children. This year classes 1 to 6 have all had the opportunity to join a breakfast club, activities on offer have been: athletics, volleyball, badminton, handball, ultimate frisbee and rounders. There have also been after school clubs for: girls and boys football, dance and multi-skills games.

PE Premium

The PE Premium is used to ensure high quality PE and Sport across the school; specialist coaches are brought in to enhance the curriculum, provide extra-curricular activities and to support teaching staff. We have also used the PE Premium for additional swimming instructors to ensure we maximise the opportunities the children have to develop as confident swimmers. Lunchtimes have also benefitted by using the PE Premium for coaches and resources to create a fun and active environment. Working with Premier Sport we have been trialling the Golden Mile; each class goes out for a run or jog and clocks up a few laps to further boost their activity levels.

We have also had Reception taking part in the Balance Bikes programme and Class 5 taking their Level 1 and 2 Bike Ability awards.


We feel it is important that our children learn leadership skills and use them to benefit others in PE and Sport across the school. This year we have had a team of Sports Leaders working on different projects involving the whole school, our PALs were trained by Blackpool Council Sports Team and they now do a great job playing with KS1 at lunchtimes, once again Class 6 devised and successfully delivered the Reception and KS1 Sports Day – they learnt a range of important skills including: team work, communication, organisation and how to provide support and encouragement. During our Golden Mile trial we have had two monitors from each class who received training from Premier Sport and they are now responsible entering the data for their class.

PE and Sport Profile

PE and Sport are an integral part of daily life at school; we celebrate successes and achievements in assemblies and on our display in the Hall, we also present a Sport Star from each class at the end of every half-term to ensure that PE and Sport enjoy a high profile within school.

This year has seen the whole school being active in a whole range of activities; before, during and after school. The children have also learnt that physical activity and a balanced diet go hand in hand to keep them healthy and feeling good about themselves. We have competed at different levels; against our classmates and against children from other schools, we have danced in the Blackpool Tower Ballroom and tried out angling at the lake in Stanley Park and most importantly we have had lots of fun.



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