What options does my child have for school lunches?



St. John's School kitchen offers a variety of balanced meal options at lunch time for our children. The kitchen is run by BCS.

Blackpool Catering Services Mission Statement:

Blackpool Catering Services are passionate about food.  We only use the best ingredients from suppliers who treasure their ingredients as much as our chefs do.  We aim to provide tasty, but healthy well balanced meals which meet the national guidelines as detailed within government legislation.  In primary schools we offer a choice of hot meals each day and also have available unlimited salad, fruit and bread.  The meals also include a drink and a choice of dessert.

Why choose us?

  • Freshly prepared nutritious meals, using wholesome ingredients
  • Fully trained and qualified catering staff who care, and will make every effort to encourage your child to choose a healthy meal
  • 3 week cycle menu, with a varied choice of meal options
  • Menus, which comply with the nutritional standards for school lunches
  • Special dietary needs can be catered for
  • Vegetarian choices available daily
  • Development of social skills
  • Food to help children think and grow
  • Increase in concentration levels in the afternoon after eating a well-balanced school lunch

Our passion is shared by everyone in our company.  A desire to deliver innovative food and service solutions to the highest standard is the driving force behind everything we do.

A child who is on school lunches will get at least 2 options for lunch every day. Children choose their meal the day before at registration. Great care is taken to ensure that all medical/dietary requirements are catered for.

Please see below for a copy of the current school meal weekly menu:


How much do school lunches cost?

Universal Infant Free School Meals were introduced in September 2014. This entitles all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to a free school meal.

School dinners cost £2.50 per day ( £12.50 a week) for children in Years 3-6, unless your child is entitled to a Free School Meal, authorised by Capita, check your child’s eligibility by clicking here.  School dinners must be paid for in full one week in advance.

Please be aware that parents and carers are asked to notify the school office if you wish your child to swap between school dinners and packed lunches, or vice versa.  You must do this one week before changing your preference and you must also pay for school dinners in advance.  Unfortunately, if the office has not been notified of changes, you may still be charged.

At St. John's, we are very proud of our ‘Health and Hygiene’ rating of a ‘5’!

Packed Lunches

Children also have the option to bring in a healthy packed lunch from home (sandwich, fruit, yoghurt, non-fizzy drink). Packed lunches must not include hot items with the exception of soup brought in a thermos flask.

Click here for some healthier lunchbox ideas!

Breakfast and Milk Scheme

Each pupil is entitled to a carton of free milk every day.  A letter is sent home at the beginning of each new term to check which children would like to have milk. 

Blackpool Council provide free breakfasts for all Primary School children. 

As part of the ongoing monitoring of the Blackpool Council’s Free School Breakfast Programme in Blackpool, once a term we will be asking pupils attending this school some simple questions regarding what they had for breakfast on a certain date.  We will also be using data we hold on children within the school as part of this study. All information will be aggregated, and no one child, or their answers, will be identifiable within the analysis. If, for any reason, you wish for your child not to take part in the monitoring, can you please let us know, and we will ensure that they are not included.  


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