Welcome to Blackpool St John’s Church of England Primary School.

Blackpool St John’s is a Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary School with its ethos and teaching founded on Christian values and the belief that individuals are created by God and precious in His sight and that “Everyone Matters in God’s World” and we all follow THE GOLDEN RULE "Do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12)

Our central concern is the education of the whole child. This stems from the Christian belief that all people are made in God’s image so all are equally worthy of care and all have a valuable contribution to make to the school and wider community.

Our school is committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential through an exciting and innovative curriculum and high quality teaching and learning.  We aim to provide the perfect conditions for learning as we believe that how children learn is as important as what they learn.  We use highly developed assessment procedures which takes into account every individual child along with an enriched curriculum which includes outdoor learning experiences and the development of emotional competencies.

Our specialised curriculum develops a child’s curiosity and knowledge of the local community, the world and the natural environment through the National Curriculum. We aim to foster this curiosity through our vision of being a school community where enquiry skills are well developed and we believe in forging strong partnerships.

Our vision statement is simply

“Everyone Matters in God's World”and we all follow THE GOLDEN RULE "Do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12)

‘Wanting the best for each member of the school – within a Christian environment,  working in partnership with each other, with home, church and the community – led by the hand of God’.

Love; Friendship; Kindness; Honesty; Forgiveness

The Aims for our Ethos

  • To create a happy school in which pupils work hard and learn well, within a Christian environment
  • To foster Christian standards and values in every aspect of education
  • To develop in children a sense of awe and wonder at the world around them
  • To ensure all children strive to reach above and beyond their full potential through the skilled learning opportunities provided by highest quality teaching.
  • To personalise learning for all individuals; where Pupil Voice, challenge, risk taking, collaboration, equality and skills are developed, taking into account individual needs and talents.
  • To provide a place where children feel valued, safe and supported through their development of health, safety, physical, social, spiritual, moral and cultural understanding.
  • To provide an enlivening, enriched, memorable outstanding skills based curriculum that develops children to question and drive their own learning through highly developed Assessment for Learning.
  • To provide extensive use of the local and outdoor learning environments as stimulus for experiential learning opportunities between school and parents and hope that this website  will help you to engage with the school and your child during their fantastic journey through their Primary school years.

Thank you.

Mrs N Galloway


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