Upcoming Trips

Please complete and return the relevant permission slip and send payment into school as soon as possible. Also, please note the times children need to be in school, when they are back and the equipment they need for their trip.


Click the titles of each trip to be redirected to the websites of where the children are going to visit. 


Year 5 – Forest of Bowland - Friday 5th July

Year 5 will be visiting the Forest of Bowland on the Abbeystead estate on Friday 5th July. The overriding aim of the visit is to educate primary children, about the countryside on their doorsteps, and hope that they gain an increased understanding of wildlife and human life on the moors.
Children must be in school on time as the mini-buses will be leaving promptly at 9.15am we will return to school at 3.00pm, dependant on traffic.

Children should wear St John’s T-Shirt & Jumper (if needed) with suitable outdoor trousers/shorts, eg. Tracksuit bottoms or Combat trousers NO jeans, walking boots or sturdy shoes or trainers. A Waterproof Jacket is advised, as is a sunhat please apply sun screen prior to the trip, depending on the weather. Travel sickness tablets should be given prior to coming to school and a return journey tablet given to the school office.

Year 3 - Showtime Museum  - Tuesday 9th July

As part of this terms history topic about Blackpool, year 3 will be visiting Showtime Museum on Tuesday the 9th of July.  We will be walking to and from the venue.  We have an educational session booked and, children will be back at school before lunch time.   

Year 2 - Fleetwood Trip - Wednesday 10th July

As part of this terms Geography topic covering Seaside holidays in the UK, Year2 will be visiting Fleetwood on Wednesday 10th July. 

School uniform must be worn; please dress according to the weather. Sun hat or waterproof coat with hood.

If the weather is sunny, before school please apply sun cream and give any hay fever medication. If your child has an any adverse reactions to bee/wasp stings, please inform school prior to the trip.

Minibuses will leave at approximately 9.30am, we will return to school for normal home time.

Year 1 - St. Annes Seaside Trip - Monday 15th July

As part of this term’s topic on the Seaside/Under the Sea, children from year 1 will be visiting St Anne’s beach, on Monday 15th July.  The children will be walking along the Victorian Promenade, looking at the beach huts, playing on the sand, and finishing off with an ice cream.

Children will be leaving after registration; we will return to school at approx 2.30pm.  Clothing should represent the weather on the day, i.e. T Shirt and sun hat if warm, jumper and coat if not. Please apply sun screen before the children come to school, staff are not able to re-apply. Any child needing travel sickness tablets should be given one before school and one to be given to the class teacher for the return journey.


...Do you know, The Saints After School Club, here at St. John's School, run mini sessions for siblings of children who are on trips or attending other clubs in school. Mini sessions run until 4pm saving you on doing the school run twice!! Click here for more details or come and see Miss. Shorrock in the school hall at the end of the school day.

Upcoming Events

Please complete and return the relevant permission slip and send it into school as soon as possible. Also, please note the times children need to be in school, when they are back and the equipment they need for the event.

Year 3 - Music Recital - Thursday 11th July

Children in class 3 will be holding a recorder recital for parents on Thursday 11th July at 2pm. 

The recital will take place in the hall and all parents and families are welcome to attend. 

Reception  and KS1 Sports Day - Friday 12th July

We will be holding our annual Sports Day for KS1 (Reception,Y1,Y2) on Friday 12th  July.

This will be held (weather permitting) at school on the middle playground:

Reception class will hold their sports event in the morning: 10am until 11am.

Year 1 will hold their sports event in the afternoon: 1pm until 1.45pm.

Year 2 will hold their sports event in the afternoon: 2pm until 2:45pm.

Parents are welcome to come and support their children, however, due to space restrictions, we are limiting this to two tickets per child.

If you would like to attend, please collect your two tickets from the office. 

Please could you ensure that your child has a P.E. Kit in school to enable them to take part. A sun hat/cream would be advisable if the weather is very warm.

KS2 Sports Day - Thursday 18th July

We will be holding our annual Sports Day for KS2 (years 3,4,5,6) on Thursday 18th July.

This will be held (weather permitting) at the Sports Arena in Stanley Park, starting at approximately 9:30am and finishing at 11:30am.

Parents are welcome to come and support their children.

Please could you ensure that your child has a P.E. Kit in school to enable them to take part. A sun hat/cream would be advisable if the weather is very warm.


Remember, school closes at 2pm on Friday 19th July and reopens on Tuesday 3rd September

Click here for all our term dates