Coming up next week (15/01/24) at St. John's C of E Primary School...
Tuesday 16th January
Year 3 are off to Blackpool Central Library.
Wednesday 17th January
Reception Class - Learn Together Course for Reception Families
Year 5 are off to Stanley Park for their seasonal changes visit - a warm coat and appropriate footwear will be needed.
Thursday 18th January
Year 4 are off to Ribchester Roman Museum Trip - Please complete and return the permission slip and send payment into school as soon as possible. Also, please note the times children need to be in school, when they are back and the equipment they need for their trip.
Year 5 are off to Blackpool Central Library.
Friday 19th January
Year 3 are off to Stanley Park for their seasonal changes visit - a warm coat and appropriate footwear will be needed.
Year 6 are off to Blackpool Central Library.
Looking ahead...
Year 5 - Turton Tower Trip - Wednesday 24th January
Year 6 - Eureka – Children's Museum Trip - Thursday 1st February
Year 1 - Wild Discovery – Ribby Hall Village Trip - Wednesday 7th February
Year 2 - Blackburn Museum Trip - Thursday 8th February
Year 6 - UCLAN Science Workshop - Thursday 25th February
Year 6 - Residential-Patterdale Hall, Lake District - 25th to 27th March 2024
Please look out for letters being sent home nearer the times, where needed. Once sent out these letters can be found in the 'Letters and Newsletters' section of our school website.
Did you know we have sections on our website where you can find all the recent letters that have been sent home and what is going on in school?
Click the links and have a look, making sure you are up to date with all that is going on at St. John's:
Click here for our Letters and Newsletters page.
Click here for our Term Dates page
To make it easier:
Find us and like us on Facebook - St. John's C of E Primary School, Blackpool
Regularly check the links via Parentapps found under content
Regularly check our School Website - St. John's C of E Primary School, Blackpool