Yesterday in school we had our Christmas dinner and our class parties.

Oh, what fun we all had!

(...more pictures to follow!)


Remember, school closes tomorrow at 2pm. The Saints ASC is open until 4.30pm.


Other events this week..

Wednesday 20th December - Christmas Raffle drawn

Wednesday 20th December - Christmas Film Night - KS1 and KS2 Classes will have a Christmas Film Treat straight after school. There is a cost of £1 per child. A sweet treat and a drink will be provided. ALL CHILDREN ATTENDING THE FILM NIGHT WILL NEED COLLECTING AT 4PM. Reception will have their film treat during the school day and will leave at normal home time: 3pm

Thursday 21st December - Year 5 Christmas Nativity at St. John's Church - 11am until 12pm

Thursday 21st December - School Closes at 2pm - The Saints After School Club will be open until 4.30pm

...We wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!


Looking ahead...

Thursday 4th January 2024 - School opens