Autumn 2 P.E Days:
Outdoor P.E kits (school red t-shirt, school jumper or fleece, black joggers or leggings and trainers-NO DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR). The children can come into school in their outdoor P.E kits on the following days:
Wednesday: Class 3/Class 6
Friday: Reception/Class 1/Class 2/Class 4/Class 5
Indoor P.E kits (white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps). Indoor P.E kits to stay in school for the half-term.
Monday: Class 1
Tuesday: Class 4
Wednesday: Class 2
Thursday: Reception
Friday: Class 6
If your child attends an after-school P.E club and it is not their outdoor P.E day then your child needs to bring their outdoor P.E kit into school in a bag so they can get changed at the end of the school day.
Thank you.