Queen's Jubilee Celebrations@St John's-Friday 27th May
All of the St John's children and staff enjoyed celebrating the 'Queen's Jubilee' on the last day before half-term. We started our whole school celebration with a whole school assembly, led by Mrs Galloway. All of the children have enjoyed learning a new song called 'Our Queen' and the song was a special part of our assembly. We ended the special assembly with us singing the national anthem.
The St John's children and staff dressed in red, white and blue to mark the special occasion. All of the classes enjoyed a special jubilee picnic lunch in the hall with music at lunchtime and a special history lesson in the classroom about the Queen's jubilee.
The children were asked to bring in coins to decorate the 'Queen's crown'. St John's School Council would like to thank everyone for their very generous donations. We raised an impressive £150, this amount has been added to our special 'Beds For Bihar' appeal. We are very close to our end of the year target!
Please take a look at the photographs: