Class 6 Trip - Imperial War Museum North, Manchester


Dear Parents,                                                                                                                   


As part of this terms’ topic covering World War I we will be visiting the Imperial War Museum in Manchester on Wednesday 9th May.  Whilst we are at the museum the children will have the opportunity to take part in an interactive session. This session will investigate Remembrance and include personal stories from the First World War up to today.


The trip will take place during school time and children need to be in school at normal time.  We will be back by 3:30pm and school uniform must be worn.  There is a gift shop at the museum and the children may bring a maximum of £5.00 spending money but must be responsible for their own money.


Packed lunches will be provided by the school kitchen for the children entitled to free school meals only, all other pupils should bring their own packed lunch in a named carrier bag.


                We are asking parents for a donation of £5.00 to cover the cost of the workshop. Please could the permission slip and payment be returned to school by Friday 27th April.


If you have any queries or questions please see me in school.


Thank you.


Mr Corser