Music is at the heart of school life. It enables a broad and balanced curriculum, meeting the needs of the National Curriculum. It also plays a part in the ethos of the school as expressed in our Mission Statement:

"Everyone Matters in God's World"

and reflects our ethos which, promotes, recognises, celebrates and welcomes diversity, honesty, respect and tolerance. This is rooted in our theological Christian vision:

'In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you'

Matthew 7:12

We aim for all pupils to make more music, think more musically and consequently become more musical. We ensure each lesson involves, performing, composing and listening/evaluating.

Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of St John’s and the local community.

All children are encouraged to learn to play an instrument. All of year 3 learn to play the recorder.

Our more able musicians have the opportunity for instrumental tuition. Tuition is provided Blackpool Music Service for children wishing to learn how to play guitar or drums. Lessons provided by Blackpool Music Service are heavily subsidised and we ask for a contribution from each child for each lesson.


Whole School Music Overview 2024/2025

Please click on the link to read our school music development plan for 2024:

Music Development Plan 2024

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