At St. John’s in PE we aim to ensure that we offer our children experiences that excite, inspire and challenge.

We use PE Passport as our scheme of work, however we supplement our curriculum with a range of other opportunities to engage our children. The PE lessons are led by the class teachers and some activities are led by specialist coaches to ensure that the delivery of PE is always high quality. We also offer the children an extensive range of extra-curricular activities e.g. badminton, football, boxercise, netball, balance bikes, dance.

The children get to compete against one another in different school activities and they also get to attend festivals and competitions outside of school e.g. dance festivals, orienteering, drumba, Blackpool Youth Games.

One of main aims is to ensure that our children understand the link between physical activity, leading a healthy lifestyle and well-being. We engage in a number of programmes to ensure that this link is explicit and the children are equipped to make informed choices, such programme include Sport 4 Champions, Fit2Go and Change 4 Life. This philosophy also extends to our parents, we engage with Active Blackpool who run a twelve week after-school programme for children and their parents called Making Changes. 


P.E Whole School Overview 2024/2025


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