Vision statement

At St. John’s we aim to support children to develop to their full potential as confident mathematicians. We offer a stimulating learning environment and encourage the children to make links, develop an excellent ‘number sense’, and see the importance of mathematics in everyday life, enabling them to apply their knowledge to the world around them. We support the children to acquire fluency with mental as well as written methods. We aim to develop an excitement and curiosity about mathematics through a variety of creative activities as well as stimulating and challenging problem solving. We encourage the use of practical apparatus and manipulatives to aid the visualisation of concepts. We aim to develop resilience in the children to accept challenge and develop a ‘can do’ attitude to mathematics. We challenge the more able as well as offering support for those who need it with high-quality intervention programmes. We seek to use higher order questions, supporting children to act as lead learners by encouraging them to explain mathematical concepts to others. 

For resources you can use at home, please click here (pupil zone).

Please find below some documents to help you understand how we teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in school. These documents have been produced with the Lancashire maths team, who provide guidance and support of maths teaching in school. 

The documents below will also give you an overview of what is taught in mathematics in each year group.





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