History is a record of what has happened in the past. It is not just an account of famous people and events, but the story of how ordinary men and women have adapted their lifestyles to their ever changing environments. It is the story of how inventions and events shaped our lives; we are all part of this ongoing, rich tapestry of life. History is concerned with developing the understanding of the present and a hope for the future through the exploration of the past. At St John’s CE Primary School, we believe that every child should have an equal opportunity to explore their heritage and the history of our local area.

The aims of History at St. John’s School are to:- 

  • Provide a stimulating engaging irresistible history curriculum, which will arouse and sustain interest in the subject, whilst covering the content determined by the National Curriculum programmes of study and the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.
  • Develop the skills and concepts needed to understand and interpret historical source material. 
  • Enable the children to gain an understanding of the past with relation to themselves, their families, their communities and the wider world as appropriate to their age and ability. 
  • Help children develop a sense of identity by learning how they themselves fit into the pattern of past and present in Britain and the wider world.
  • Relate this awareness of their ‘own identity’ to a greater understanding and respect for other cultures and values. 
  • Develop self-confidence and a positive self-esteem. 
  • Be curious and inquisitive in questioning and exploring both the past and its relationship to the present and the future. 
  • Provide a whole school curriculum which is broad, balanced, relevant and adapted to meet individual needs. 
  • Help children value history as a subject in its own right as well as understanding its contribution to other curriculum areas and cross curricular themes and dimensions.

We also aim to:- 

Enable pupils to develop an understanding of the past by looking at: 

  • How things change 
  • Why things happen and what the outcomes are 
  • The difference between people of different times and also between those living at the same time 
  • The different things people say, write and draw about the past and the reasons for this 
  • How we know about the past and the skills needed to use that which survives from the past to help us to do this 
  • Ensure that the understanding outlined above takes place within a secure framework of knowledge about the past. 
  • Enable progression in terms of skills, understanding and knowledge throughout the school. 


Whole School History Overview 2024 2025



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