Art and design is an important feature of a holistic education and helps foster creative thinking by developing the children’s capacity to think, imagine, invent, design, invent and, most importantly, to enjoy. Our mission statement

“Everyone matters in God’s world”

is reflected in the art and design curriculum as each child’s artistic interpretation is valued and work is displayed appropriately and sensitively. 

For Art and Design, we aim to ensure that all children:

  • Are provided with an environment that fosters aesthetic awareness and promotes a positive attitude towards art and design.
  • Develop skills and techniques associated with investigating and making in art and design activities. This includes skills of observation, perception, collaboration and the manipulation of media, materials and tools.
  • Develop an understanding of the basic elements of art and design ~ line, tone, colour, texture, pattern, shape, form and space.
  • Develop imagination and creativity and the ability to use art and design as a form of communication and expression.
  • Develop skills of evaluation and judgement about their own work as well as that of others.
  • Develop an appreciation and a concern for the natural and man- made environment

Our bespoke, irresistible Art and Design curriculum has a range of exciting creative units which offer a progression of skills and knowledge from Reception to Year 6. Through these units children learn and apply practical and theoretical skills in five key areas:


  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Printing
  • Sculpture 
  • Collage 

Our Art and Design units link to other areas of learning and always include an artist study e.g. Y6 learn about print making and William Morris alongside studying the Victorians in history. Year 2 learn about watercolour painting and artist Natalie Pascoe in their geography unit Fleetwood.

Sketchbooks are used from year 1 to year 6 to provide a record of the children’s learning and progress in art. Children take their sketchbooks with them at the end of the year to their new class where they will continue to expand on techniques and their appreciation of artists’ work.

Art Trips & Visits

Where possible the children’s learning is enhanced with trips and visits e.g. Ceramic artist Andrew Hill works with Year 4 and Year 2 teaching children techniques needed to create clay dinosaur tiles and Greek pots. Each year group also has the opportunity to visit the local Grundy art gallery at least once a year to take part in viewing exhibits and related workshops. 


Art Whole School Overview 2024 2025

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